མཚན་ཉིད་ཀུན་ལྡན་དམ་ཆོས་བླ་མར་མི་ཕྱེད་དད་གུས་ངེས་པར་ཤེས། ། རིགས་དྲུག་འགྲོ་བར་བཅོས་མིན་སྙིང་རྗེས་བདག་ལས་གཞན་གཅེས་སེམས་པར་ཞེན། ། གཡོ་སྒྱུའི་དཔུང་ལ་ངོ་བསྟོད་མི་བྱར་རང་གཤིས་དྲང་བདེན་ཕྲག་ཏུ་བཞེས། སད་རྨིར་དྲང་སྲོང་རྟུལ་ཞུགས་དཔལ་ལྡན་ཐབས་ཤེས་དགྱེས་པའི་གྲུབ་མཐའ་སྐྱོང་། །
- ༄༅།། ཨེ་མ་ཧོའི་རིག་མཛོད་།
- མཚན་ཉིད་ཀུན་ལྡན་དམ་ཆོས་བླ་མར་མི་ཕྱེད་དད་གུས་ངེས་པར་ཤེས། ། རིགས་དྲུག་འགྲོ་བར་བཅོས་མིན་སྙིང་རྗེས་བདག་ལས་གཞན་གཅེས་སེམས་པར་ཞེན། ། གཡོ་སྒྱུའི་དཔུང་ལ་ངོ་བསྟོད་མི་བྱར་རང་གཤིས་དྲང་བདེན་ཕྲག་ཏུ་བཞེས། སད་རྨིར་དྲང་སྲོང་རྟུལ་ཞུགས་དཔལ་ལྡན་ཐབས་ཤེས་དགྱེས་པའི་གྲུབ་མཐའ་སྐྱོང་། །
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Monday, 13 January 2014
天然形成之尕陀觉卧神山位于铜色吉祥山南麓,在称多县与曲玛县之间,海拔5395米,尕陀觉卧神山是莲师入藏时授记的九座圣山之一,并且是藏地十三大护法神山之首,并在此做了伏藏。诸佛菩萨为饶益有情众生,幻化出尕陀觉卧圣山以及护法神山,天然形成了诸多佛菩萨以及眷属形象,主要有法子普当才、色嘎当才,空行母罗噶、罗玛,勇士杰尼仁钦,大臣塔拉东珠,瑜伽士七贤,大自在匠师七贤等, 并且有天人,龙王,善神,护法守护神山。相传神山曾遭地震与魔众的摧毁,第二天又重新恢复原...貌,丝毫没有改变。
第四十一代赞普观音菩萨化身赤德松赞(赤松德赞之幼子)整理并记录有关神山的授记与功德一直流传至今。 在格萨尔王时期,格萨尔王的多位将臣出生而后安息于此,在《格萨尔王史诗》中无数次歌颂了佛法在此兴盛。 一千多年来,果洛与玉树地区很多的格萨尔伏藏艺人不断的歌颂着尕陀觉卧神山护佑天下的有情。
1998年,法王如意宝莅神山时忆起此地的铜色吉祥山为格萨尔王叔父谢攀诞生之地,具有莲师之铜色吉祥山无二的加持,莲师也曾在此做了诸多伏藏。从古至今无数高僧大德都曾赞叹此地的殊胜稀有,法王如意宝曾在尕陀觉卧神山取出莲师加持之海螺,麦鹏仁波切在此取出金刚萨垛伏藏修法仪轨并造讼赞叹神山的功德,巴珠仁波切在此长期闭关并取出意伏藏 《尕陀觉卧-总集祈请文》。
历史上,在此成就的人不计其数,印度大译师那登加纳,噶当派创始人阿底峡尊者的根本上师,晚年时在尕陀觉卧神山闭关直至圆寂,还有大瑜伽士秋英多杰,喇嘛罗玛,根巴活佛等在此终身闭关虹身成就。神山周围有仲夏寺,卓玛降秋寺,色嘎寺 珠杰寺,土登寺,觉悟寺,康卓曲阔寺,江玛五明佛学院等各大教派的寺院围绕。
2014年,藏历木马年,是佛祖释迦摩尼成佛,莲师入藏并修建桑耶寺的一年,大恩上师法王如意宝圆寂10周年纪念,也是每60年来最具功德的一年。 作为修行人缅怀本师释迦摩尼佛成道之年,以及莲师授记尕陀觉卧神山的殊胜源起,汉藏两地僧众和居士发心将在此地修建尕陀觉卧菩提塔,建造尕陀觉卧菩提塔的地方将位于青海省玉树州扎朵,格萨尔王药山脚下,北临铜色吉祥山,南倚尕陀觉卧神山,于2014年4月9日 (藏历木马年二月初十莲师日)动工,预计在五月初完成,此塔高约6-7米,内部装藏大藏经,佛像1080尊,佛塔1080座,佛教历代祖师大德的殊胜法宝,其中包括十四世嘉瓦法王赐予的《入菩萨行论》一部,藏传各大教派历代传承上师的舍利子,法衣,甘露丸等圣物。塔身与塔基所用的土取自印度、尼泊尔与中国的诸多佛教圣地,当地的百姓发心无偿帮助此塔,因此建造的成本只有原料,装藏用品,工程设备的租用。届时欢迎汉地的居士前往参加开光仪式与莲师法会。修建过程中由喇嘛荣来仁波切,堪布文萨与觉悟寺的僧人亲自指导建造,确保佛塔的如法和质量。
藏汉两地 唯一账户
汉地: 上海法友孙奕宁(益西多杰)
开户行:中国工商银行 上海福州路第一支行
账号:6222 0210 0106 4930 099
藏地: 前密宁玛觉悟寺堪布文萨(现任艾旺藏学医明院医师,艾旺小学藏语及佛法讲师)
开户行:中国农业银行 青海省西宁市城东支行
账号:6228 4819 4600 5935260
联系电话:14797069500See more
— with Khenchen Lama. (5 photos)天然形成之尕陀觉卧神山位于铜色吉祥山南麓,在称多县与曲玛县之间,海拔5395米,尕陀觉卧神山是莲师入藏时授记的九座圣山之一,并且是藏地十三大护法神山之首,并在此做了伏藏。诸佛菩萨为饶益有情众生,幻化出尕陀觉卧圣山以及护法神山,天然形成了诸多佛菩萨以及眷属形象,主要有法子普当才、色嘎当才,空行母罗噶、罗玛,勇士杰尼仁钦,大臣塔拉东珠,瑜伽士七贤,大自在匠师七贤等, 并且有天人,龙王,善神,护法守护神山。相传神山曾遭地震与魔众的摧毁,第二天又重新恢复原...貌,丝毫没有改变。
第四十一代赞普观音菩萨化身赤德松赞(赤松德赞之幼子)整理并记录有关神山的授记与功德一直流传至今。 在格萨尔王时期,格萨尔王的多位将臣出生而后安息于此,在《格萨尔王史诗》中无数次歌颂了佛法在此兴盛。 一千多年来,果洛与玉树地区很多的格萨尔伏藏艺人不断的歌颂着尕陀觉卧神山护佑天下的有情。
1998年,法王如意宝莅神山时忆起此地的铜色吉祥山为格萨尔王叔父谢攀诞生之地,具有莲师之铜色吉祥山无二的加持,莲师也曾在此做了诸多伏藏。从古至今无数高僧大德都曾赞叹此地的殊胜稀有,法王如意宝曾在尕陀觉卧神山取出莲师加持之海螺,麦鹏仁波切在此取出金刚萨垛伏藏修法仪轨并造讼赞叹神山的功德,巴珠仁波切在此长期闭关并取出意伏藏 《尕陀觉卧-总集祈请文》。
历史上,在此成就的人不计其数,印度大译师那登加纳,噶当派创始人阿底峡尊者的根本上师,晚年时在尕陀觉卧神山闭关直至圆寂,还有大瑜伽士秋英多杰,喇嘛罗玛,根巴活佛等在此终身闭关虹身成就。神山周围有仲夏寺,卓玛降秋寺,色嘎寺 珠杰寺,土登寺,觉悟寺,康卓曲阔寺,江玛五明佛学院等各大教派的寺院围绕。
2014年,藏历木马年,是佛祖释迦摩尼成佛,莲师入藏并修建桑耶寺的一年,大恩上师法王如意宝圆寂10周年纪念,也是每60年来最具功德的一年。 作为修行人缅怀本师释迦摩尼佛成道之年,以及莲师授记尕陀觉卧神山的殊胜源起,汉藏两地僧众和居士发心将在此地修建尕陀觉卧菩提塔,建造尕陀觉卧菩提塔的地方将位于青海省玉树州扎朵,格萨尔王药山脚下,北临铜色吉祥山,南倚尕陀觉卧神山,于2014年4月9日 (藏历木马年二月初十莲师日)动工,预计在五月初完成,此塔高约6-7米,内部装藏大藏经,佛像1080尊,佛塔1080座,佛教历代祖师大德的殊胜法宝,其中包括十四世嘉瓦法王赐予的《入菩萨行论》一部,藏传各大教派历代传承上师的舍利子,法衣,甘露丸等圣物。塔身与塔基所用的土取自印度、尼泊尔与中国的诸多佛教圣地,当地的百姓发心无偿帮助此塔,因此建造的成本只有原料,装藏用品,工程设备的租用。届时欢迎汉地的居士前往参加开光仪式与莲师法会。修建过程中由喇嘛荣来仁波切,堪布文萨与觉悟寺的僧人亲自指导建造,确保佛塔的如法和质量。
藏汉两地 唯一账户
汉地: 上海法友孙奕宁(益西多杰)
开户行:中国工商银行 上海福州路第一支行
账号:6222 0210 0106 4930 099
藏地: 前密宁玛觉悟寺堪布文萨(现任艾旺藏学医明院医师,艾旺小学藏语及佛法讲师)
开户行:中国农业银行 青海省西宁市城东支行
账号:6228 4819 4600 5935260
联系电话:14797069500See more
Timelapse and top sleep bedroom Banyan Tower construction proposal formation timelapse Rig Veda natural night's sleep lies South Mountain at copper auspicious Hill, between Qu Ma County and Chenduo County, 5,395 meters above sea level, GA and top sleep bedroom Kamiyama is the guru of vyakarana in Tibet one of the sacred mountain, and is the first Tibet 13 Buddhist guardian of the mountain, and had To Bury, hide away. All Buddha bodhisattva for benefit limited beings, turned out timelapse Tourbillon sleep lying mountain and custodian of God mountain, natural formed has many Buddha bodhisattva and family image, main has way pudangcai, and color GA Dang only, empty line parent Luo Ga, and Roma, warriors Jay nirenqin, Minister taladongzhu, yoga s seven yin, big free Carpenter Division seven yin,, and has heaven, Dragon, good God, custodian of guardian god mountain.
Legend has it that the Mountain God of earthquakes and magic have been destroyed, and the next day be reinstated again, had not changed. 41st Emperor goddess incarnation Chek desongzan (tshe calf) collate and vyakarana and merit of the records of the holy mountain has been handed down. In the period of King gesar, multiple official King gesar was born and laid to rest here, in countless times in the epic of King gesar, glorification of the Dharma to flourish.
More than 1000 years, guoluo and yushu region lot of gesar Volt Tibetan artists singing timelapse and top sleep bedroom mountain tied up the world of sentient beings. In 1998, Wang Ruyi treasure when you arrive in the Mountain God remembers copper auspicious mountain place of gesar born father Wang Shu Xie Pan, a guru of copper auspicious mountain not blessings, Guru has done a lot To Bury, hide away.
From ancient has countless monk big de are has praise here of is WINS rare, law Wang Ruyi Po has in timelapse Tourbillon sleep lying God mountain removed Lotus Division plus holding of conch, maipeng Rinpoche had cut this removed King Kong SA crib v hid repair law instrument rail and made Court praise God mountain of merit, bazhurenbo cut this long-term retreats and removed meaning v hid timelapse Tourbillon sleep lying-anthology praying for please text under. Historically, successful people here countless, India largest translator that Ghana, Kadam founder Adi Holiness the Gorge of divisions, in his later years at GA and top sleep bedroom mountain retreat until death, there are large British autumn Yogi Dorje, Lama, Roma, Geba living Buddha life retreats, such as Rainbow body.
Temple of Mountains surrounded by midsummer, Dolma come autumn Temple, GA Temple Pearl Jay Temple, Thonden Temple, Temple of enlightenment, Kang Zhuo song Grand Temple, Jiang Ma Ming Buddhist Institute and other major denominations of five monasteries around. In 2014, the Tibetan horse year, Buddha's shijiamonicheng is Buddha, guru to Tibet and built the Samye monastery for a year, taking as teacher Wang Ruyi treasure passed away on 10 anniversary and most merit a year for every 60 years. As practice people memory this Division shijiamonifocheng road of years, and Lotus Division award remember timelapse Tourbillon sleep lying God mountain of is WINS source up, Han hid between monks and lay made heart will in here built timelapse Tourbillon sleep lying Bodhi Tower, built timelapse Tourbillon sleep lying Bodhi Tower of place will is located in Qinghai province yushu zhaduo, lattice El King drug foot Xia, North Pro copper color auspicious mountain, South leaning timelapse Tourbillon sleep lying God mountain, Yu April 9, 2014 (Tibetan Trojans years February early ten Lotus Division day) started, is expected to in May early completed, this tower high about 6-7 m, internal loaded hid Tripitaka, Buddha 1080 statues, stupa 1080, Buddhist Patriarch through the ages great mental magic, including 14 Gyalwa his Holiness gave the world the theory of engaging in bodhisattva behavior one, major Tibetan religious relics of the ancient lineage master, vestments, relics, such as nectar pills. Body of the tower and the tower base with soil from India, and Nepal and many Buddhist shrines in China, local people free help this tower, so construction costs of only raw materials, installed hidden supplies, rental of engineering equipment. Lay went to attend the opening ceremony of welcome Handi and Lotus as teacher.
Built by the monks during Rong Lairen wave-cut, buwensa and monks guided the construction of the Temple of enlightenment, ensure stupa and quality.
Merit-making rejoice in you law: may the Dharma flourish, peace in the world. This pass Shang Division plus holding into hearts this statue photo by obtained all noted that to empty line custodian of as shadow accompanied with by for any games achievements may auspicious set Qian translation fearless Shariah building preaching victory taught card law drums reason of road lion yelled at again three community no, auspicious light according to Fong hid Han between only account Han to: Shanghai law friends Sun Yining (Yi xiduojie) account line: industrial and commercial bank of Shanghai Fuzhou Road first branch households name: Sun Yining account: 6,222 0210 0106 4,930 099 contact phone: 15,214,348,673 HID to: Miningma awareness before the temple buwensa (currently Ai Wang on Tibetan medicine out hospital physician, lecturer in Ai Wang primary schools in Tibetan and Buddhist) Bank: Agricultural Bank of China Xining city, Qinghai province, East city branch name: tudengsuoba account number: 6,228 4,819 Tel: 14,797,069,500 (Translated by Bing)
Legend has it that the Mountain God of earthquakes and magic have been destroyed, and the next day be reinstated again, had not changed. 41st Emperor goddess incarnation Chek desongzan (tshe calf) collate and vyakarana and merit of the records of the holy mountain has been handed down. In the period of King gesar, multiple official King gesar was born and laid to rest here, in countless times in the epic of King gesar, glorification of the Dharma to flourish.
More than 1000 years, guoluo and yushu region lot of gesar Volt Tibetan artists singing timelapse and top sleep bedroom mountain tied up the world of sentient beings. In 1998, Wang Ruyi treasure when you arrive in the Mountain God remembers copper auspicious mountain place of gesar born father Wang Shu Xie Pan, a guru of copper auspicious mountain not blessings, Guru has done a lot To Bury, hide away.
From ancient has countless monk big de are has praise here of is WINS rare, law Wang Ruyi Po has in timelapse Tourbillon sleep lying God mountain removed Lotus Division plus holding of conch, maipeng Rinpoche had cut this removed King Kong SA crib v hid repair law instrument rail and made Court praise God mountain of merit, bazhurenbo cut this long-term retreats and removed meaning v hid timelapse Tourbillon sleep lying-anthology praying for please text under. Historically, successful people here countless, India largest translator that Ghana, Kadam founder Adi Holiness the Gorge of divisions, in his later years at GA and top sleep bedroom mountain retreat until death, there are large British autumn Yogi Dorje, Lama, Roma, Geba living Buddha life retreats, such as Rainbow body.
Temple of Mountains surrounded by midsummer, Dolma come autumn Temple, GA Temple Pearl Jay Temple, Thonden Temple, Temple of enlightenment, Kang Zhuo song Grand Temple, Jiang Ma Ming Buddhist Institute and other major denominations of five monasteries around. In 2014, the Tibetan horse year, Buddha's shijiamonicheng is Buddha, guru to Tibet and built the Samye monastery for a year, taking as teacher Wang Ruyi treasure passed away on 10 anniversary and most merit a year for every 60 years. As practice people memory this Division shijiamonifocheng road of years, and Lotus Division award remember timelapse Tourbillon sleep lying God mountain of is WINS source up, Han hid between monks and lay made heart will in here built timelapse Tourbillon sleep lying Bodhi Tower, built timelapse Tourbillon sleep lying Bodhi Tower of place will is located in Qinghai province yushu zhaduo, lattice El King drug foot Xia, North Pro copper color auspicious mountain, South leaning timelapse Tourbillon sleep lying God mountain, Yu April 9, 2014 (Tibetan Trojans years February early ten Lotus Division day) started, is expected to in May early completed, this tower high about 6-7 m, internal loaded hid Tripitaka, Buddha 1080 statues, stupa 1080, Buddhist Patriarch through the ages great mental magic, including 14 Gyalwa his Holiness gave the world the theory of engaging in bodhisattva behavior one, major Tibetan religious relics of the ancient lineage master, vestments, relics, such as nectar pills. Body of the tower and the tower base with soil from India, and Nepal and many Buddhist shrines in China, local people free help this tower, so construction costs of only raw materials, installed hidden supplies, rental of engineering equipment. Lay went to attend the opening ceremony of welcome Handi and Lotus as teacher.
Built by the monks during Rong Lairen wave-cut, buwensa and monks guided the construction of the Temple of enlightenment, ensure stupa and quality.
Merit-making rejoice in you law: may the Dharma flourish, peace in the world. This pass Shang Division plus holding into hearts this statue photo by obtained all noted that to empty line custodian of as shadow accompanied with by for any games achievements may auspicious set Qian translation fearless Shariah building preaching victory taught card law drums reason of road lion yelled at again three community no, auspicious light according to Fong hid Han between only account Han to: Shanghai law friends Sun Yining (Yi xiduojie) account line: industrial and commercial bank of Shanghai Fuzhou Road first branch households name: Sun Yining account: 6,222 0210 0106 4,930 099 contact phone: 15,214,348,673 HID to: Miningma awareness before the temple buwensa (currently Ai Wang on Tibetan medicine out hospital physician, lecturer in Ai Wang primary schools in Tibetan and Buddhist) Bank: Agricultural Bank of China Xining city, Qinghai province, East city branch name: tudengsuoba account number: 6,228 4,819 Tel: 14,797,069,500 (Translated by Bing)
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